Health & Safety
Health & Safety Policies
Where there are 5 or more employees (including part-time/casual, family members, volunteer staff, Company Directors and salaried Partners) farmers are legally required to formulise a written H&S Policy and record risk assessments for significant work hazards.
Service provision:​
Action Plan
Employers ‘Statement of Intent’, Appointed persons
Employee responsibilities
Current business ‘Arrangements’
H&S Audit of business activities
Risk assessments for significant work hazards, including
Use of equipment and machinery
Transport and vehicle management
Maintenance tasks
Emergency Action Plan and Contact Numbers
Safe Systems of Work
Training Records, and Inspections
Communication Policies (as required), e.g.:
Business tenants
Agric./Building Contractors
Farm shoots
Residential neighbours (letter) – e.g. children
Environmental Pollution Risk Assessment and Action Plan
Waste Management
RIDDOR – reporting accidents
HSE - Farmwise booklet
Service fee: from £1,400 + VAT
COSHH Assessments
All employers are required to control exposure, carry out risk assessments and necessary surveillance of hazardous substances in the workplace, in order to prevent ill health of employees and anyone else who may be exposed.
Service provision: Formal COSHH Assessment
Service fee: from £400 + VAT
Construction Phase Plan
Risk Assessments
All businesses are required to risk assess significant work hazards, and retain a written record where there are 5 or more employees.
Service provision: Formal risk assessments for significant work hazards
Service fee: £60/hr + VAT
Communication Policies - Contractors/Tenants
As Landlords have overall responsibility for H&S on their business premises, a Health & Safety (H&S) Communication Policy is designed to protect against the negligent actions of others, such as business tenants, contractors and occasional visitors e.g. farm shoots. The Policy simply confirms a third party’s legal responsibilities to themselves, their employees, farm personnel, other site users, the general public and the Landlord. The Policy is not complicated but specific to the activities of the respective individual/business, and in the event of an incident occurring provides formal written evidence that the Landlord has met their legal obligation to communicate effectively on H&S matters with relevant third parties.
Service provision: Bespoke Landlord Protective Policy
Service fee: from £200 + VAT
Fire Risk Assessments
All businesses are required to carry out a fire risk assessment of their business premises and ensure appropriate fire safety arrangements are in place. This is particularly pertinent to farm businesses that have diversified and invite the public onto their premises, such as office accommodation and light industrial units.
Service provision: Formal fire risk assessment of business premises
Service fee: from £400 + VAT
Under CDM 2015, a Construction Phase Plan is required for all construction projects, including domestic projects, and needs to be prepared by the Principal Contractor before work on site proceeds. In communication with all 'duty holders', the Plan must record the arrangements for managing the significant health & safety risks associated with the construction phase and revised as necessary throughout the build.
Service provision: Construction Phase Plan and Risk Assessments
Service fee: from £500 + VAT